Everyone has a fellowship!
Including you and your family.
Disciple Making Fellowships - Sundays at 6:00 PM
Join us as we learn God's Word in a casual setting and understand how it can change our week. A small snack will be provided.
Corporate Prayer Meeting - Wednesday at 7PM
Join us for a short bible lesson and a time of prayer.
Men's Prayer Breakfast
Calling all men! Start your day with prayer. The Men’s Prayer Group meets the first Saturday of the month at 8:00 AM. Sorry nursery not available. No RSVP necessary. Come as you are. Come when you can. Invite a friend, your father, uncle, cousin, neighbor…. you get the idea!
Let's Pray Together!
Ladies Meeting
The Ladies' meet the second Saturday of the month, 11:00AM-11:00PM in the Church All-Purpose Room. Sorry nursery not available. No RSVP necessary. Ladies meetings are more than just a time of study, they are so much more! It's a place where friendships are formed, life is shared with others, and our hearts are shaped by God’s life-changing truth. Invite a friend, your mother, aunt, cousin, neighbor….